Tutoring & Workshops

Award-winning, interactive online lessons & in-person adventures

Testimonials from 10+ years of happy students and their parents:

Recent LinkyThinks In-Person Adventures & Workshops:


  • All LinkyThinks classes take a unique approach, allowing children to learn from each other across a broad age range. The 11+ and beyond courses are typically for years 4/5/6 and we are increasingly offering classes for other ages. We have many older students who continue beyond their exams and occasional younger students who are comfortable being exposed to higher level material. These classes allow for each child to take what they need, whether it’s exam preparation or general enrichment. No two courses are the same and, as the style and techniques used are quite particular to LinkyThinks, no one is held back or left behind.

  • We are not able to offer 1:1 support at the moment, due to massive demand. However, we make lots of time for supporting each child according to their needs, providing them and their parents with regular guidance and feedback. Group learning does not have to be a one-size-fits-all approach. In fact, our group classes provide skills that 1:1 teaching often does not: peer reviews, exposure to many standards of writing, self-awareness, giving and receiving constructive feedback etc. You can join the mailing list to be notified when new courses are available.

  • Each class listing has an outline of the content covered. Please see above, under the listed classes. No two courses are the same. By running our courses in 10-week stints (we don’t believe in pressuring clients into long-term financial commitments), this allows old and new students to work alongside each other. Not only does this strengthen their learning, by exposing them to a range of standards, but it also means that we can assess the needs of the child at every stage and act accordingly. Some children only need a crash-course. Others come again and again, for ongoing support. Some dip in and out, alternating subjects each term. If it’s right for the child, it’s right for us.

  • Class sizes vary depending on the course style, but typically capped between 10-20 children. This is the optimum class size for the LinkyThinks approach, to maximise interactivity and peer learning, while allowing each child teacher attention and plenty of opportunity for their individual contributions.

  • In the longer courses, you have the option of submitting weekly homework tasks via an online system, whereby we keep track of each child’s progress. Rather than formally marking with ticks and crosses, certain courses involve us reviewing homework together as a class and developing an understanding of the examiner mindset that is essential for developing self-awareness and accuracy. Certain courses also offer my written feedback at regular intervals and parental catch-up calls (see individual class details).

  • No two courses are the same. We use a system of ‘staggered learning’ which allows us to revise core skills while always moving forward and building on them. This allows longstanding and new students to work together, without getting bored or confused. As a result, new children may join at any stage and existing students can progress from one course to the next. So, while we may revise certain concepts, the materials and tasks are always new. Think of this as ‘two steps forward, one step back.’ Children are supported through constant development at whatever their individual level is, without losing their foundational skills.

  • No child is forced to contribute or share their work with the class. It is encouraged, when they are ready, that they share their ideas. All children are reminded that this is not a comparative or competitive environment - each child is on their own journey - we all learn from each other in positive ways, through constructive feedback and targeted support. We have had many introverted and low self-esteemed children join us, who come out of their shells when they experience the non-judgemental, nurturing environment we promote. We specialise in growing a child’s confidence and treat this as a high priority.

  • You are welcome to make multiple bookings for siblings, but it is one child per booking. We ask that siblings who are booked to join the same class attend on separate devices in separate rooms, so they can interact as individual members of the class and receive their fair share of teacher attention.

  • Our track record for exam success speaks for itself - see our testimonials page for reviews from years and years of consistently happy clients. But we teach life skills, not just exam skills. The idea that ‘fun = frivolous’ is a myth. We believe that if you can connect with what a student enjoys, then the rest comes naturally. Our methods are rigorous and proven. It makes us so proud to see students exceed their own expectations, whether in their exam results, their school reports or in whatever their goals may be. We are equally proud to be regularly told by parents that LinkyThinks lessons are the ones that their children attend most willingly and happily.

Free videos for improving your child’s vocabulary & creative writing: